TV companies: |
LNT - Latvian independent television, Picca TV | LNT
LNT news, broadcast and production studios have grown from single desktop computer based Picca TV in close cooperation with Hannu Pro specialist team. Camcorders fully equipped with accessories, mobile studio audio systems and editing facilities, powerful video servers and RAID storage units as well as equipment for satellite transmission station. Production studio development - equipment, lights, curtains.
»»» news: broadcast and production equipment supplied, TV systems upgraded
»»» LNT digital play-out system development project
»»» news: tape-less technology for news production introduced at LNT, state-of-the-art prompter systems and other studio equipment delivered
»»» central LNT production studio development
»»» news: Grass Valley LDK-300 broadcast camera for TV show production
»»» news: LNT centralized media storage system introduction
»»» news: LNT major broadcast studio equipment upgrade
»»» news: LNT studio equipment upgrade
»»» news: LNT major non-linear editing and signal control equipment upgrade
»»» LNT invests in Avid technology
»»» Picca TV project - the first independent experimental TV in Latvia was started in 1994
ERR (Estonian State Radio and TV, ETV)
Equipment supply (broadcast cameras, accessories, lenses)
»»» news: Grass Valley Kayak TV broadcast switcher with HD support supplied »»» most advanced in Baltic states HD OB VAN supplied :: read also an article in TVB Europe October issue
»»» news: Grass Valley LDK Elite HD broadcast cameras supplied
»»» news: equipment supplied to support broadcasts from Beijing Olympic games
»»» news: Lawo and Riedel studio communication systems supplied
»»» news: Thomson GV broadcast cameras supplied
»»» news: Fujinon HD broadcast lenses supplied
Lietuvos Rytas TV (previously 5 Kanalas, Lithuania)
Production and broadcast equipment, news systems.
»»» automated news system development
LNK (Laisvas ir nepriklausomas kanalas) - Lithuania
Systems for programme production and playout automation, broadcast studio equipment.
»»» the introduction of news production and archieve systems
»»» turnkey solution for programme production and playout automation
»»» news: tapeless systems delivery
Latvian State TV
LTV1 and LTV2 conjoint broadcasting studio, studio 5. MCR - master control room, LTV control room and on-air control systems, camcorders, accessories, linear and nonlinear editing facilities, Outdoor broadcast van (OB van) Laura.
»»» news: Actus TV monitoring and rating system supplied
»»» Orad Morpho 3D TV graphics system trial to render local elections
»»» news: purchase of broadcast lenses and data media
»»» news: broadcast quality audio mixers and accessories for field production
Kanal 2 (Estonia)
Camcorder sets, editing, news and broadcast studio equipment.
»»» news: delivery of tape-less technology production tools and broadcast lenses
TV 5
Equipment for editing and broadcasting studios, cameras and accessories. Multimedia project Runā Rīga (Riga is speaking), night filming equipment for the production of numerous reality shows, equipment nonlinear editing facilities and RAID storage solutions.
»»» the solution for international reality show production :: (in news)
»»» news: the state of the art Autocue teleprompter system
»»» news: highly productive nonlinear editing facility for TV series production
»»» news: automated playout solution (servers, software)
»»» news: TV5 major filming and non-linear editing equipment upgrade
»»» news: TV5 equipment for night filming
LZK and LMK (LNT's Latvian news channel and Latvian music channel)
Solutions for data transmission and internet streaming.
»»» news: equipment for LZK and LMK
BTV (National State TV and Radio Company of the Republic of Belarus)
TV equipment delivery
»»» news: studio equipment upgrade
TV Dzintare broadcasting studio
News, broadcasting and editing studios for regional TV Dzintare, video editing facilities, Avid nonlinear editing system, video equipment.
»»» news: major TV studio upgrade to meet digital broadcasting requirements
»»» news: TV Dzintare studio equipment upgrade
»»» news: on-air automation systems for TV Dzintare
Equipment for nonlinear editing studio.
»»» news: Avid facility, studio equipment.
Baltkom TV
Systems for production, editing and playout to cable networks.
»»» news: MPEG encoders and nVOD playout systems
»»» news: camcorders, non-linear editing systems, MPEG encoders
A complete studio equipment solution, powerful video servers, interactive TV technologies, signal processing equipment.
»»» news: Digi TV project
Baltijos TV (Lithuania)
Professional production and broadcast equipment.
»»» news: production equipment supply
»»» news: broadcast video equipment delivery
Latvian State TV (Eurovision song contest 2003)
Camera support and non-linear editing systems, displays, Satbuss and transmission equipment.
»»» additional information about Eurovision song contest projects is available here
Other solutions for TV
Limbazu TV - camcorder sets; TV3 (Latvia) - computer graphics solutions (computers and software) and others.