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LNK news studio and archive development project

Hannu Pro and LNK, the largest Lithuanian commercial TV company, signed a contract for a major TV equipment upgrade, which includes the introduction of tape-less news and programme production (ENG, EFP) and centralized media archive development, as well as numerous upgrades of existing TV studio equipment.

LNK received:
·   Eleven Panasonic P2 series cameras (AG-HVX201, AG-HPX500, AG-HPX2100, AG-HPX3000) equipped with Fujinon HD/SD lenses, Beyerdynamic, Anton Bauer, SWIT, Cartoni, and Camrade accessories and a P2 memory card readers
· Front Porch Digital DIVArchive centralized media archive system with automated SUN LTO4 180-slot tape library and DIVAdirector media asset management system (15 seats), which allows browsing of low resolution footage from the archive to perform metadata and cuts-only editing with shot list support, and enables full resolution partial restore to make a final production using supplied earlier NLE facilities
· Upgrades for Thomson GV K2 server and RAID systems with content mirroring support
· Concerto (128x128 and HD) and Aveco systems upgrades, to provide additional features and support for more play-out channels
· A new K2 server for advanced redundancy
· A new Kayak SD/HD 2 ME video mixer
· Range of Thomson GV Modular system products to provide signal routing, conversion and processing
· Thomson GV Aurora Play software with MOS module and NRCS support for automated news play-out
· Two Autocue QMaster and QBox TV prompter systems
· Yamaha audio mixers
· Evertz Multiviewer monitors
· Panasonic AJ-HPM100 mobile studio
· Sony J-30 SDI video tape recorder and other equipment

The project also involved development of a new dubbing studio which integrated a Steinberg Nuendo and Yamaha digital studio into K2 and Aveco systems production workflow. Hannu Pro supplied and installed all studio equipment and associated IT infrastructure including HP PCs for news editors and 14 units of EDIUS Broadcast for draft editing, as well as providing service and personnel training.

»»» read more about previous LNK broadcast studio development project

LNK (Laisvas ir nepriklausomas kanalas) - news studio


LNK news studioLNK news studio control room

LNK news studio and news studio control room


Machine room and studio premises are set up for equipment installation

LNK news studioLNK news studio

Hannu Pro engineers at work

Hannu Pro service engineers are working on cable
and infrastructure installation


LNK news studio control room, ingest and dubbing facilities and machine room

LNK news studioLNK news studio - ingest

LNK news studioLNK news studio

LNK news studioLNK news studio

LNK news studioLNK news studio

LNK news studioLNK news studio

Hannu Pro engineers are performing equipment installation and system tests

LNK news studioLNK news studio

LNK news studio - ingestLNK news studio - dubbing

LNK news studio - dubbingLNK news studio - dubbing

Ingest and dubbing facilities

LNK news studio - MCRLNK news studio - MCRLNK news studio - MCR

Machine control room and archive systems

LNK news studioLNK news studio

LNK news studio

News studio is ready to broadcast!



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