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Grass Valley HD technology promotional events organized by Hannu Pro

Grass Valley Infinity cameraGrass Valley Canopus editing system
Grass Valley Infinity SD/HD camcorder and Canopus EDIUS HD work station

On November 10, 2006 Hannu Pro organized two notable events - the annual open day evening party and a seminar devoted to Grass Valley HD production technology. A full coverage of evening party activities is available here (in Latvian).

The HD technology seminar took the place in the premises of Latvian State TV and brought together production engineers from almost every leading Baltic TV company. During the seminar Grass Valley representatives Pascal Dememe and Nigel Arnott introduced the participants to HD production, editing and delivery workflow, contrasting the traditional approach of using vtrs, with an advanced tape-less approach, which utilizes Grass Valley REV PRO drives as a very flexible and reliable storage medium. Maxim Jago demonstrated the advanced features of the Canopus EDIUS HD nonlinear editing system and provided a detached detailed comparison of different editing environments. Fujinon representative Alexander Schuch and Volicon representative Hezi Kasif also took part in the presentation and provided information about Fujinon and Volicon solutions respectively. The attendees gained in-depth knowledge about state-of-the-art Grass Valley technology and were able to share experiences with other participants. For example, the Volicon TV signal and content monitoring system has already successfully proved itself at Estonian state TV. Correct answers to the questions asked by Hannu Pro received prizes. ETV technical director Sander Ukskula received promotional REV PRO drive for his correct answer.

Grass ValleyJVCFujinon

HD technology seminar

The opening of the HD technology seminarNigel Arnott presents REV PRO and Infinity
The opening. Grass Valley representative Nige Arnott introduces the participants to
tape-less REV PRO technology and presents the advantages of Infinity SD/HD cameras.

Grass Valley representative Pascal DememeFujinon representative Alexander SchuchVolicon representative Hezi KasifIndependent editing engineer Maxim Jago
During the seminar Grass Valley representative Pascal Dememe spoke about Grass Valley's market
position, and Fujinon representative Alexander Schuch provided detailed information about the advantages
of Fujinon HD lenses. Heizi Kasif in his turn introduced the attendees to the Volicon broadcast monitoring
system, and independent editing engineer Maxim Jago gave an interesting and in-depth
presentation on advanced features of the Canopus editing system.

Canopus HD video editing workstationLTV - the home of the seminar

JVC GY-HD251 camcorderJVC GY-HD251 camcorder

Grass Valley Infinity saimes camcorderSWIT accessories - the battery and LCD monitor

InfinityVolicon monitoring system

Canopus montāžaREV PRO tehnoloģija un JVC HD monitors
After the introductory presentations everyone was invited to test the
equipment provided and directly question manufacturer representatives;
this opportunity was greatly appreciated.



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